1. Joseph Hope

         Joseph Hope BiographyJoe Hope is an ARC Future Fellow who leads a theory group focussing on many aspects of quantum theory.  He investigates atom lasers, BEC, quantum memories, atom-light entanglement and quantum field theoretical techniques.  He is also interested in feedback-based control of atom lasers and other high-dimensional quantum systems.Prof. Hope teaches the undergraduate theor...
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  2. Pro. Francis Paul

    Freestyle PhysicsPro. Francis PaulAreas of expertiseScience, Technology And Engineering Curriculum And PedagogyAstronomical And Space InstrumentationPlanetary Science (Excl. Extraterrestrial Geology)Stellar Astronomy And Planetary SystemsLearning SciencesCosmology And Extragalactic AstronomyPaul is an astrophysicist, who focussed his research on galaxies and black holes in the early universe, b...
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  3. Dr Ian Le

     数学分析1  Dr Ian Le I am a mathematician at ANU working on representation theory and algebraic geometry. I received my PhD at Northwestern University and did postdoctoral work at the University of Chicago and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. Most of my work involves some combination of these ideas: cluster algebras, quantum groups, mirror symmetry, tropicalization. I enjoy tea...
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  4. Assoc. Prof. Malcolm McLeod

     光谱学  Assoc. Prof. Malcolm McLeod Associate Professor Mal McLeod obtained his BSc (Hons) at Monash University, Australia and DPhil. from Cambridge, UK. He returned to a postdoctoral position at the ANU before moving to academic positions at the University of Sydney in 1998, and the ANU in 2007. His research interests include medicinal chemistry and the development of new chemical and analyti...
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  5. Dr Noah White

     常微分方程模型 Dr Noah White I am a mathematician at ANU working at the intersection of algebra, geometry and combinatorics with much of my work being inspired by physics. Prior to ANU I completed my PhD at the University of Edinburgh and was a postdoc at UCLA. Much of my research focuses on examples of physical systems of particles (such as spin chain models, or some classical integrable mode...
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  6. Marcin Adamski

    1. 生物统计与推断  Marcin's early interest in biology was heavily Influenced by David Attenborough's documentaries. Realizing that machines are more predictable the living organisms, he obtained Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Programming, followed with Ph.D. in Computer Modeling at the University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. After that, he combined computers and bi...
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